Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A year of silence

It has been approximately one year (give or take a few days)  since I have last owned a cell phone.  


Really, it hasn't been that bad.

Only recently has it become an issue.    And, to be honest, I have enjoyed the silence.  

Yesterday, I broke the silence.

HELLO IPHONE!  I feel like a kid.  I've been messaging people and downloading apps like a crazy lady.  I've also been all over Amazon looking for cute cases. 

My favorite app so far is  Draw Something.  FANTASTIC game.  I'd kiss the makers if they were here.

What's your favorite app?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Oh, How Pinteresting!

Since renovations are in full swing here in Cheeserock (what I affectionally called my hometown as a youngin) today's pins are all things I want to do!  YAY!

Source: indulgy.com via Trisha on Pinterest

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

What in the deuce bit my leg?

We're friends, right?  

Good, I thought so.  

I noticed this a while back and thought to myself..or said out loud to the dogs..."What in the deuce bit my leg?"

And then I started calling it Leg Herpes because, frankly, that's what it started to look like.   And it itched.  And itched.  Hubby is on itch patrol and yells at me for it.  

Now it looks like this..

I've discovered that it is really poison ivy, but I continue to call it Leg Herpes.  

Since we're friends I thought I'd tell you.  

Happy Humid Tuesday!

Friday, June 15, 2012

High Five Friday

I'm linking up with Lauren for her Friday Fun :)


1.  I think I officially defeated the bookstore.  They want 181 smacks for the microbiology book..which is a book made of SELECTED material from the original book. Read: not the whole book.  I found THE WHOLE BOOK for $4.05 on Chegg.  Take that bookstore!

2.  I am a flash card nut.  Everything I learn is basically put on flashcards for portable learning.  My favorite are the blank note cards but I can never seem to find them when I want them.  I always find the ones with lines.  I DON'T WANT LINES!   I found these puppies yesterday.  SCORE!

3.  I've been married to my best friend for four years yesterday :)  Side note:  do you also think it's ridiculous that four years has turned into such a milestone?  We have three friends that I can think of off the bat that never made it past 3.  Perhaps that's another  post?! 

4.  Happy Anniversary to me!

5. Umm...is that a sink base cupboard scheduled to be put into my kitchen sometime today (provided we do not run into any more hiccups)?  You bet your sweet bottom it is!  Perhaps there is an end to all this remodeling madness?  Stay tuned!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Oh, How Pinteresting!

Thanks to Michelle over at Shell Bell I am no longer in pin-posting hell!  If you click the embed button on the right of the pin you'd like to share, copy and paste the mumbo jumbo that it provides, and then paste in into the html version of your post, you'll no longer be in pin-posting hell, either!  WOOP WOOP

Thanks Michelle, you're a doll :)

Here we go!!

Source: glamour.com via Eryka on Pinterest

Source: tumblr.com via Kellee on Pinterest

Source: lyst.com via Heather on Pinterest

Linking up with Michelle at The Vintage Apple :)

Monday, June 11, 2012

Secret Blogger Swap: Revealed: Super Late Edition

Danielle over at Framed Frosting held a secret blogger swap last month.  SUPER FUN!  I recommend joining swaps.  It's so fun to get to know a new person and send them a gift...and get one in return!  

I had the pleasure of stalking Stormy over at Life's A Dance.  To see what I sent her click here!

The blogger with my name was Cat over at Stuff I love.

I was so excited when I saw this sitting on my coffee table!


Super cute necklaces from her shop Mimi Baby Boutique.  
I love the red dragon tee.  The oil stick things (I forget what they're called!)  sit next to my bed.  Lavender is such a relaxing smell.

Thanks Cat!

If you missed out on this swap and want to join in the next one you can sign up here and receive an email when the new one starts!  AWESOME!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Please forgive me, it's nice outside

I had very good intentions of getting back into blogging on the regular.  It's so hard when it so pretty outside. It's also difficult to keep up with studying for spring classes while it's so nice out.

pretend picnic at auntie trish's house
outside naps that included lots of chatter, no napping

Oh, summer, you turn me into an even worse procrastinator than I already am.

Upcoming posts (not necessarily in this order) :

Secret Blogger Swap Revealed-Super Late Edition

What in the deuce bit my leg?

My first attempt at wall paper

How to apply stain to cabinet via newbie who has never done it before

Fourth Anniversary Fishing Trip: We planned it but did we go??

Hubby's Obsession = Movies

Ads that drive me NUTS!

In a land of bobby pins can there be a replacement?

Stay tuned!