Thursday, October 6, 2011

You can never go home again...

Well, that's not completely true.

After three years living in flip-floppy winter weather we have moved back home.  It's exciting and depressing in the same instant.  The exciting: being close to family and friends again.  The depressing: living with my in-laws, snow, ice, living with my in-laws, the bad economy, lack of year round warm weather.  Did I mention living with my in-laws?  Ok, ok, they are not THAT bad.  I have actually been blessed with wonderful in-laws.  They're very supportive and are always willing to help us out when need be.  And, they're currently in the middle of renovating the attached garage into a living space for Hubby and I to use while we're searching for a place. Plus, my Mother-in-law and I now have a joint coupon book for our savvy shopping which is nice. Still, most days I find myself daydreaming about the home we had in Louisiana and wishing we had never left.   But, there's no use dwelling on the past.  What's done is done and now we're headed into a blistery winter!  (oh, yippee)

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