Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Blogging it up like Barney Stinson

I have come to the conclusion that I enjoy blogging. I find myself saything the phrase "I can put that in my blog" quite often. Hello Barney Stinson! HAHA! So I was thinking that I'm going to start making a Saturday post called Hey Good Lookin'! Whatcha Got Cookin'? Perhaps maybe make a button for it? Do a linky party?  Both?  Not sure, yet. Time will tell. I love to cook and show off what I've made and I think dedicating a specific day to that would be fun. Also, I think I'm going to start doing a Skincare/Make-Up Tip of the Week in my sidebar. I was the Manager of Estee Lauder while we lived in Louisiana and I learned so many interesting things while working there. I found that most women think that skincare routines/makeup application is much more difficult that what it really is. Plus, I love to share my knowledge! I'll share this first week's tip here but I think that I'll just change them each week without a post.

  Here is this week's tip!

Always, always, wear a moisturizer under your make-up. It will actually change the color and texture of your foundation! Don't believe me? Try this: rub a dab of moisturizer on the top of your left hand. Now, take a cotton ball and rub it in your face powder and then rub it on the back of your mositurized left hand AND your un-moisturized right hand. See the difference?

Don't forget to start checking my sidebar every week for a new skincare or make-up tip!


Liz said...

Awesome post Trish! I know that I will benefit for sure from your skincare/makeup tip of the week- i do actually moisturize like it's my job so that's good!! I can't wait to see what you have on saturday as your food post! Side note- I have a pinterest board called Hey Good Lookin', Whatcha Got Cookin!!!
Happy Tuesday!

lesley: the dream tree said...

i have worn moisturizer religiously for almost 20 years. oh my gosh, that makes me feel (& sound) super old, but i was just a child and it's definitely made my skin better. i will look forward to your tips!