Ms Lesley at My Lively Mind has also nominated me for the Liebster Blog award. How sweet is she?? SO now I'm going to award some more amazing ladies for their blogging awesomeness!
She blogs about the all the fun (and not so fun) stuff in Nursing School. Since I am 2 classes away from applying to the Respiratory Therapy program (which works right along with the nurses), I enjoy reading on things to come!!
Andrea @ Coffee, Chocolate, and a Pen
Coffee? AND Chocolate?! She had me at hello!
Rachel @ Life Lover
Life lessons, crafts and so many things in between.
Brielle @ Adventures of Law School
I've just recently started following her. She blogs about her life and law school. From what I've read, she seems awesome!
If you have been awarded the coveted Liebster award, here’s what’s next:
* choose five up and coming blogs with less than 200 followers to award
your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to
them. If you not already a follower of their blog, that might be a
great way to show appreciation for the award. ;)
*Post the award on your blog. Be sure to link back to the 5 blogs you awarded so that others can visit them.
I think that I'm ready for some Swap Sponsoring! WOO HOO! SOOOO...if you'd like to swap some button love for the month of March, let me know! I'll make sure to keep your lovely button up all month long and dedicate a post to how awesome you are! YIPEE!
Congrats on your nomination! Very exciting.
Oh I am so excited!!! Thanks :)
Also loving your blog looking forward to reading more!
You're welcome! I completely forgot to post a comment to tell you! Glad you found it!
Trish, you're amazing! Congrats on your nomination as well! :)
-Andrea Loree @ Coffee, Chocolate & Pen.
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