Tuesday, March 20, 2012

So Long Spring Break

At the beginning of break I had a HUGE list of things I wanted to get done.  I think I got one of them partially completed.  Epic Fail.  Maybe you can help me with a few??

My blog button is NOT working.  I worked my butt fingers off trying to get this darned button picture to stick and now it's broken! When you click the button it says that I don't exist! Try it out.  I'll wait........... SEE!?!?!  Stupid button.  Do you know how to fix it?  I'll give you a cookie!

I wanted to change the wallpaper around here, too.  I think it's a little too dark.  Any suggestions on colors, patterns??? 

That's all for me today.  I have a paper due on Friday.  Something that I should have done last week but just remembered it.  Fantastic.


lesley: the dream tree said...

I have a good link for buttons. I'll email you if I can find it. For a background, try just a simple solid color or even white and then change your font on your header to a brighter color. Sometimes simple looks best. Just my opinion tho.

Liz said...

I agree with Lesley!!
I think a white simple layout would be very nice!
Maybe use your tattoos as inspiration?
As for your button..best of luck I have no useful suggestion :( boo me!
Happy Spring lady!