Friday, December 16, 2011

Duck Tape, Duct Tape, TomAto, Tomato.....

Every year for Christmas Hubby's Grandma (Gammy) takes her grand and great grandchildren to the dollar store.  We each get to spend $5 each on the other family members.  So in our family that translates to $40 per grandchild and great grandchild.  It's a tradition that has been going on for quite some time.  Another tradition is to get my father-in-law nothing but duct tape with our allotted money for him.  That's roughly 35 rolls if everyone got him 5 rolls which we didn't.  He got about 25 rolls this year.  And here's what we did with them...

That's Hubby holding a duct tape gun complete with scope and silencer.  I can't wait till we give it to him at Christmas!!

I just had to share it because it's fantastic! was my idea :)

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